3 min read

4 ways financial wellbeing can help beyond the cost of living crisis

4 ways financial wellbeing can help beyond the cost of living crisis

1. Practical money-management skills

Even the most financially sophisticated of us could do with going back to basics and putting in place a solid framework for managing our finances. 

For example, Claro Wellbeing’s Mental Health Project report revealed that 39% of adults do not have a budget. This is the foundation of good financial planning, helping you to develop a proactive plan - whether that’s to build a protective financial cushion or save /invest with a longer term goal in mind. 

Workplace financial wellbeing programmes, such as those that include one-on-one financial coaching and interactive workshops on a range of topics (such as budgeting, building an emergency fund or clearing debts) can help staff at any stage of their career with developing good financial habits that can help them take control of their money, build wealth and plan for the future.

2. Builds financial resilience

As the cost of living soars, workers across all income brackets are being put under significant financial pressure.

Our research shows over a third (37%) of workers say they struggle, fall behind or cannot keep up with bills, with almost one in three (30%) earning more than £150,000 a year. We also found that almost half (49%) of workers have less than a month’s outgoings saved, while 15% would run out of money within two weeks if they lost their job.

Financial resilience is the ability to cope with unexpected expenses, such as redundancy, the boiler breaking down or the rising cost of living. It’s having the peace of mind you can support yourself no matter what happens. 

Understanding how to weather unexpected financial storms is a key part of financial wellbeing that is crucial at every stage of your life - and most of us could do with some guidance. 

3. Goal-setting and future planning

Setting financial goals not only helps us plan for the future but also keeps us motivated and moving forward. 

They can be short-term, like saving for a holiday, or long-term such as wanting to have enough money to retire comfortably. Regardless of the time frame, financial goals force us to consider what we want and how we plan on getting there.

A good financial education strategy could include discussions around effective goal setting, for example, by offering courses or interactive sessions with financial experts.

4. Boosts financial confidence

What we understand about money growing up can often hold us back as adults. For example, if we hear our parents arguing about money, we may see it as negative. As a result we may end up feeling uncomfortable managing money day-to-day because of a lack of confidence or ignoring our finances altogether. 

Creating a space at work where open conversation is welcome could help alleviate negative feelings about money and improve our confidence. For example, introducing regular Finance Friday sessions where groups of staff can work on their own financial tasks over a 25-minute video call and share their wins at the end. 

In addition, having access to a financial coach who supports staff on their financial journey will not only help improve their confidence but also empower them to make smart financial decisions.

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