Claro Wellbeing | Financial Education & Learning Content

New Claro Wellbeing: If You Have WhatsApp, You Have Claro

Written by Oliver Gudgeon | 23-54-2023

Ever wished you had a money-whiz friend you could ask anything, as often as you like? 

That's exactly what Claro Wellbeing can be for your employees. 

And if they have WhatsApp, your employees already have everything they need to get up and running.

Claro Wellbeing connects your staff to a team of (human) financial coaches, who've decades of combined experience in financial advisory and wealth and asset management, to receive impartial financial guidance.

Your team can ask them anything they need to about money. That includes everything from what their payslip means to how to make the most of their pension. 

Plus, staff receive regular, segmented content, around which you, as a benefit, reward or HR professional, can help shape the strategy. And they even get an open-banking budgeting tool to track money's every move. 

As our CEO Rob recently wrote, we designed the experience to be:

1) Intuitive and user friendly 

2) Personalised to every individual

3) Easy to engage with


Everything you need to know about the free trial

Our new free trial gives you 14 days' access to the same Claro Wellbeing that is currently being used across the UK. 

If you work in benefits, wellbeing, rewards and HR, we created the trial for you, so you can see firsthand what the experience for your staff would be like. 


Start your free trial



We want you to be able to assess and evaluate many of Claro Wellbeing's best features for yourself.

So much so that we're even enabling you to have a financial coaching session, on us, if you start a trial.


What does the free trial include?

Book a free session with a financial coach

Have a complimentary one-to-one call with one of our expert financial coaches. 

If you enrol them in Claro Wellbeing, your team will be able to call or message our financial coaches. In the trial, you'll see for yourself how transformative the experience can be. 

Book your session via WhatsApp. Ask them about any money topic you might need help with, for free.

Even if you don't ultimately go with Claro Wellbeing, this is an opportunity well worth taking.



Explore our educational content

Watch some of the segmented financial content that your employees would be sent regularly.

These form part of a programme of engaging, educational videos that help your staff level up their money management. 

Each video is completely accessible and all guidance offered is impartial.





Try out Claro AI

Created in collaboration with our financial coaches Mike, Stacey, Abby and Rachel, Claro's AI is engineered to bring your employees answers to questions they have about money.

Your team can use Claro's AI 24/7, making it particularly good when they need out-of-hours guidance on their finances.

For example, common questions your team could ask include, "What's a Lifetime ISA?", "How can I pay off my debt?", or "Which bank will give me the best interest rate?".




Get a feel for our HR tools

With the complete version of Claro Wellbeing, you'll get aggregated engagement, usage and performance metrics, so you know if your team is getting value.

Plus, you'll get to understand your workforce like never before.

Our dashboards completely protect the privacy of every individual member of your team, while giving you actionable data points to inform your organisation's people strategy.

In the trial, you'll get a closer glimpse of what our dashboard feature entails.




How to start your free trial

To start your free trial, simply tap the button below. You'll immediately be emailed a QR code, so you can get started.



Start your 14-day free trial of Claro Wellbeing


Try speaking to an expert financial coach and budgeting. And discover our educational financial content. Assess whether Claro Wellbeing is right for your team.

Start your 14-day free trial